Impact of Digital Agriculture on Farming Practices and Rural Development


  • John Shefard MS in Dairy Science, Virginia Tech University, USA


rural development, inform policymakers, researchers.


The rapid advancement of digital technologies has ushered in a new era for agriculture, transforming traditional farming practices and influencing rural development dynamics. This paper explores the multifaceted impact of digital agriculture on various aspects of farming and rural communities. It delves into the integration of cutting- edge technologies such as precision agriculture, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and data analytics into the agricultural landscape. The first section of the paper examines how precision agriculture, enabled by digital tools, enhances crop management, resource allocation, and overall productivity. The utilization of smart sensors, drones, and satellite imagery enables farmers to make data-driven decisions, optimize inputs, and mitigate environmental impacts. The second section analyzes the role of digital agriculture in fostering sustainable practices. The paper discusses how digital technologies contribute to resource conservation, waste reduction, and the promotion of environmentally friendly farming methods. Additionally, it explores the potential of blockchain technology in ensuring transparency and traceability in the agricultural supply chain.




How to Cite

John Shefard. (2023). Impact of Digital Agriculture on Farming Practices and Rural Development. International Journal of Agro Studies and Life Sciences, ISSN: 3048-5126, 2(2), 27–33. Retrieved from