Explainability in Machine Learning: Bridging the Gap Between Model Complexity and Interpretability


  • Rahul Kaushik Advocate, District Court, Rohtak, Haryana


learning technologies model explainability inherently interpretable


As machine learning models become increasingly sophisticated, the need for understanding and interpreting their decisions becomes paramount, especially in high-stakes applications such as healthcare, finance, and criminal justice. This paper addresses the challenge of balancing model complexity with interpretability, aiming to provide insights into the decision-making processes of complex models. The first section of the paper reviews the current landscape of machine learning models, highlighting the trade-off between model complexity and interpretability. It discusses the rise of complex models such as deep neural networks and ensemble methods, which often achieve state-of-the-art performance but lack transparency in their decision-making mechanisms. Next, the paper explores the importance of model interpretability in various real-world scenarios, emphasizing the ethical, legal, and social implications of black-box models. The significance of model explainability in gaining user trust, ensuring accountability, and facilitating model deployment in sensitive domains is discussed.




How to Cite

Rahul Kaushik. (2023). Explainability in Machine Learning: Bridging the Gap Between Model Complexity and Interpretability. Edu Journal of International Affairs and Research, ISSN: 2583-9993, 2(4), 57–63. Retrieved from https://edupublications.com/index.php/ejiar/article/view/38