Effect of Gender on Mental Well-Being, Anxiety and Depression: A Comparative Study


  • Sagarika Phogat, Neeraj, Parmod, Ravi Rathee


Mental Well-Being, Anxiety, Depression and Gender.


Our mental well-being fundamentally impacts our overall health.  Our internal workings and how we explain our lives are all partway we explain how we are in our lives are all parts of our mental well-being. As we lead a turbulent and fulfilling life, we continuously develop and refine the qualities and abilities that make up mental health and well-being. Anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling of inner conflict that is frequently accompanied by jittery actions like pacing back and forth, somatic complaints, and contemplating. A state of low mood and aversion to action is known as depression. It can influence a person's motivation, feelings, ideas, behavior, and well-being. Sadness, trouble concentrating and thinking clearly, and a substantial change in food or sleep schedule may be present. The objective of the current study was to determine how gender impacted mental health, anxiety, and depression. A total of 100 respondents between the ages of 18 and 25 from the Delhi-NCR region were recruited. The t-test was used to see whether there were any gender differences in mental health, depression, or anxiety. Data were gathered using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Warwick-Edinburgh mental wellbeing scale (WEMWBS), and the Self-Test for Anxiety (GAD-7) scale. The findings revealed that the mean difference is statistically significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels.




How to Cite

Sagarika Phogat, Neeraj, Parmod, Ravi Rathee. (2023). Effect of Gender on Mental Well-Being, Anxiety and Depression: A Comparative Study. Edu Journal of International Affairs and Research, ISSN: 2583-9993, 2(3), 25–28. Retrieved from https://edupublications.com/index.php/ejiar/article/view/27